Principles & Values
Promoting Collaboration
All Green it believes that collaboration is key in building a sustainable future. We see our role as promoting working together – be it with homeowners and business owners to identify and reduce energy consumption, with the business development community as we help build a thriving alternative energy culture in Connecticut, or with the young people of our communities as we seek to inspire them to pursue careers in renewable energy.
Raising Awareness
We are in business to make the world a better place. Every day, we work to raise awareness of both the power of alternative energy and its accessibility for homeowners and business owners across Connecticut. We seek to provide customers with information about rebates and other incentives that put renewable energy within reach for all.
Delivering Professionalism
We believe that one of the best ways for our business to grow and thrive is to provide superior service that will help us earn referrals among our customers and their contacts. Working with All Green it will provide customers with greater understanding of renewable energy, from the initial conversation and installation, through the ongoing monitoring available with the IT solutions that we have developed.
The All Green it Vision
The company was founded in 2008, during the teeth of the Great Recession. Perhaps it was this beginning that has instilled in All Green it the belief that we must collaborate if we are to improve our economy, our environment, and the future that we will leave for coming generations. We have a vision for how to do this, and it involves us all.